19 The Slowest Dog in the World

 Here is the list of 19 The Slowest Dog in the World based on their speed. If you need any information about the health of these dogs you can visit the AKC website here.

  1. Basset hounds
  2. Shih Tzu
  3. Lhasa Apso
  4.  Dachshunds
  5. Pomeranians
  6. Chihuahua
  7. Sussex spaniel
  8. Japanese Chin
  9. Bichon Frise
  10. English Bulldog
  11. English toy spaniel
  12. Pugs
  13. Pekingese
  14. Chow Chow
  15. Keeshond
  16. Saint Bernard
  17. Newfoundland
  18. Bernese Mountain
  19. Neapolitan Mastiff

Speed Chart of 19 of The Slowest Dog in the World:

Species of DogSpeed of Dog (miles per hour)
Basset Hounds5-10 miles per hour
Shih Tzu6 miles per hour
Lhasa Apso7 miles per hour
Dachshunds8 miles per hour
Pomeranians8 miles per hour
Chihuahua8 miles per hour
Sussex spaniel8 miles per hour
Japanese Chin8 to 10 miles per hour
Bichon Frise8 to 10 miles per hour
English bulldog8 to 10 miles per hour
English Toy Spaniel8 to 10 miles per hour
Pugs9 miles per hour
Pekingese10 miles per hour
Chow Chow13 to 15 miles per hour
Keeshond15 miles per hour
Saint Bernard15 miles per hour
Newfoundland15 miles per hour
Bernese mountain15 miles per hour
Neapolitan mastiff 15 miles per hour
The Slowest Dog in the World

Basset hounds

Basset hounds are a short-legged breed of dog in the hound family, and they are one of the Slowest Dog in the World. They are bred for hunting. Basset hounds are bicolor or tricolor in the coloration of their fur. They have large pendulous ears and are very sensitive to infections. Basset hounds have an average speed of 5 to 10 miles per hour. They have a height of about 14 inches, or 36 cm.

They need plenty of exercise; otherwise, they get bored if they do not have enough exercise. They need about an hour of physical exercise a day. The ability of basset hounds to perform a task is very slow.

Shih Tzu

Shih Tzu are toy breed dogs that originated in Tibet from the breeding of Pekingese and Lhasa Apso, and they are one of the Slowest Dog in the World. They are sturdy dogs with a small muzzle and have normally large, dark brown eyes. They are well known for their friendly behavior as young children. Shih Tzu have a large, fluffy coat with long hair. They can easily adapt to any environment.

The Slowest Dog in the World

The average speed of performing any physical activity is 6 miles per hour. They are not considered the most obedient breed due to their independent nature. Shih Tzu need around 70 minutes of walking because they are small dogs, and you may split this time into 2 to 3 walks a day.

Lhasa Apso

Lhasa Apso originated in Tibet and are traditionally used as interior sentinels. They have a heavy coat, which may be black, brown, golden, etc. The Lhasa Apso’s eyes and nose are black. Lhasa Apso can complete any task at a speed of about 7 miles per hour. They are a long-lived breed, with many of them still in good health in their early 20s and they are the Slowest Dog in the World.

They need 40 minutes of daily exercise to increase their mental activity. You may split this time into two lots of 20-minute walks.


Dachshunds are known as wiener or sausage dogs” due to their long bodies and short, stubby legs. They have long wired smooth hair and short legs. They are developed for badger hunting and other burrow dwelling animals. There are three dachshund coat varieties: smooth coat, long hair, and wire hair. Dachshunds move at a speed of about 8 miles per hour.

They came in three sizes: standard, miniature, and kaninchen. The standard dachshund needs an hour of exercise daily, and the miniature dachshund needs half an hour of exercise daily.


Pomeranians are named due to their origin in the north-west area of Poland and north-east Germany in Central Europe known as Pomerania. They are famous for their toy-like appearance. Pomeranians are descendants of larger Spitz-type dogs, especially the German Spitz. They are very popular among people due to their royal owner from the 18th century.

The Slowest Dog in the World

Queen Victoria also owned a small Pomeranian. They move at a speed of 8 miles per hour. They are very small and have a 3 to 7-pound weight and 8 to 14-inch height in a standing position.


As per our completed guide on Chihuahuas can be read here, these little monsters are the Mexican toy dog breed. They are named after the Mexican state of Chihuahua. They are considered one of the smallest breeds of dog. They have an average life span of about 12 years or more. They can be any color, from solid to mark or splashed. They have smooth and soft hair.

They are small, ranging from 3 to 9 inches in standing position. Chihuahuas normally weigh no more than 10 lbs. They are very loyal, friendly, and good family pets. They need to exercise for about an hour a day.

Sussex spaniel

The Sussex spaniel dog breed is native to Sussex in southern England. They are similar in appearance to the Clumber Spaniel. This breed became extinct during World War II, but their number has increased due to frequent breeding of this species. It is more popular in the United States and the United Kingdom.

The Sussex Spaniel has an average life span of about 11–12 years. They show calm and slow-paced behavior. They are quite protective of their family and show excellent behavior with children. They have an average weight of 45–50 lbs., and in their standing position, they are about 15–16 inches tall.

Japanese Chin

Japanese Chin is originally from China, but with the passage of time, they became very famous due to Japan and became known as Japanese Chin. They are also known by another name, “Japanese spaniels.” They are a toy dog breed, being both a lap dog and a companion dog.

They have long hair and can be black and white, red, and white, white and sable, etc. They have an average age of 12 to 14 years. They are considered one of the most cat-like dog breeds. They are about 8 to 11 inches tall in their standing position.

Bichon Frise

As per our completed guide on Bichons Frise can be read here, these Bichons are a small breed of dog of the bichon type. They are primarily from the Canary Islands in Spain, with some from France and Belgium. Bichons are found only in white. They have a medium-sized coat with a silky texture. The Bichon Frise has an average life span of about 12 to 21 years.

The Slowest Dog in the World

They are small and are 9 to 11 inches in height in their standing position. Bichons are very friendly and adaptable with other dogs and children. They need to exercise for 1.5 hours daily.

English bulldog

As per our completed guide on English bulldogs can be read here, these English bulldogs originated in Britain and are also known as British bulldogs. It is a medium-sized, muscular dog. They have large heads and thick folds of skin around their face and shoulders. They have an average life span of about 3 to 12 years. They are one of the Slowest Dog in the World

Their coat does not have very long hair and is solid brindle, white, and red in color. English bulldogs are medium-sized, muscular dogs with a weight of about 40 to 50 lbs. and a height of about 1 to 2ft in their standing position. Bulldogs are also linked to bravery, strength, and determination.

English Toy Spaniel

English toy spaniels are also known as English Charles spaniels. This is a small-breed dog of the spaniel type. They are originally from Great Britain. There are four types of color found in the coat of an English toy spaniel: King Charles (black and tan), Prince Charles (white with black and tan patches), Blenheim (white with red patches), and Ruby (red). They have an average life span of about 10 to 16 years. They weigh between 8 and 14 pounds.

English toy spaniels are a friendly breed, but they are not typically suitable as watchdogs. They can also tolerate other dogs as well. They weigh about 8 to 14 pounds, and their height is about 9 to 11 inches in their standing position.


As per our completed guide on Pugs can be read here, these Pugs are originally from China. They were brought from China to Europe. Queen Victoria developed a passion for pugs. They have wrinkled, short-muzzled faces with curled tails. They have a fine, glossy coat and come in a variety of colors, mostly fawn and black. They have an average life span of about 11 years.

They are very gentle and obedient to children and other family members. They are known for being social with other dogs. They often have thick muscles around the whole body.


Pekingese are toy breed dogs and are the slowest dog breeds. They originated in China and were also favored by the royalty of the Chinese imperial court. Its name refers to the region of Peking in Beijing. It is a designer breed formed by crossings such as Peekaboo and Pekinese. They have a speed of about 10 miles per hour. They have an average life span of about 11.4 years.

The Slowest Dog in the World, slowest dog breeds

They have a long-haired type of coat. Their flat face and large eyes are some of the most obvious characteristics of Pekingese. They have muscular bodies.

Chow Chow

Chow Chows are a Spitz-type of dog breed. They have a broad skull with erect ears. They are originally from China. Chow chows have an average life span of about 11 to 13 years. Their coat is thick and rigid and has different colors like red (light gold to deep red brown), cinnamon (light tan to brown), black, cream, white, and ivory.

They have an average speed of 13 to 15 miles per hour and are the slowest dog breeds. They weigh about 40 to 90 lbs in dogs and 35 to 85 lbs in buckteeth and have a height of about 17 to 22 inches.


Keeshond are descended from the ancient arctic dog and are the slowest dog breeds. They are originally from the Netherlands. They are a medium-sized dog breed. They were considered a symbol of patriotism during the French Revolution. They have two layers of fur and a curled tail. They have a lion-like appearance and triangular ears. Their closest relatives are German Spitz.

The average life span of a keeshond is about 10 to 15 years. They weigh about 33 to 44 lbs. and are 17 to 19 inches tall in dogs and 16 to 18 inches tall in female dogs in their standing position. They are a very brave and friendly type of dog.

Saint Bernard

The Saint Bernard is an incredibly famous breed of large dog and are the slowest dog breeds. They were originally from the western Alps in Italy and Switzerland. They were originally bred for rescue work. Their average life span is about 8 to 10 years. They are extremely sweet, calm, and patient dogs with adults and especially with children.

slowest dog breeds

They are also very friendly towards other dogs. Saint Bernard are also portrayed in the old live-action-comedy series like Swiss Miss and Topper. They weigh about 140 to 180 lbs. in dogs and 120 to 140 lbs. in female dogs. Their height is about 28 to 35 inches in dogs and 26 to 31 inches in female dogs.


Newfoundland is a large breed of working dog and is the slowest dog breed. They came from the island of Newfoundland or Canada. Newfoundland are related to Irish water spaniels and Labrador retrievers. They are used as working dogs by fishermen in Newfoundland, and they are one of the Slowest Dog in the World.

They have a thick and straight coat with different colors, like black, brown, and black with white patches. They have an average life span of about 8 to 10 years. They weigh about 143 to 176 lbs. in dogs and 121 to 143 lbs. in female dogs. They have an average height of 26 to 28 inches in their standing position.

Bernese Mountain

Bernese mountain dogs are large breed dogs. They are originally from Switzerland. They have an average speed of about 15 miles per hour, which is quite normal for a large breed of dog. The Bernese Mountain dog lives about 8 to 10 years. They are good-natured and self-assured. They only attack if needed. They weigh about 70 to 150 lbs., and their average height is about 23 to 27.5 inches.

Neapolitan Mastiff

The Neapolitan Mastiff is an Italian breed. They are a very powerful and muscular breed in large dogs. Their skin is saggy, and they have wrinkles on their forehead. They have short coats with colors like black, gray, lead, etc. They move at a speed of about 15 miles per hour.

slowest dog breeds

The Neapolitan Mastiff has an average life span of up to 10 years. Neapolitan Mastiffs weigh about 55 to 88 lbs. and are also considered friendly toward adults.

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